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NCNMEDD Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The North Central NM Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a community-driven blueprint for growing the regional economy. EDA uses the CEDS to guide their strategic investments in our region. North Central uses the CEDS planning process to coordinate and align our program of work with local, regional and statewide economic development plans. We thank all of our local government officials and community members who assisted with the development of this document. 

CEDS front.PNG

Click the image above to download our CEDS

County Meetings for Area Sector Analysis Process (ASAP)

As part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for our region, NCNMEDD held virtual Roadshow meetings for each county to review targeted industry clusters. Our partners at the Western Rural Development Center have generated industry cluster lists based on the results of asset surveys and community preference surveys. 

ASAP Slides

The Area Sector Analysis Process (ASAP) is an award-winning process to use in collaboration with community leaders in targeted, sustainable, economic development.

ASAP assists communities by identifying: community goals and priorities for economic development; community assets that will help achieve the community’s goals and priorities; industry needs and factors important for locating their operations in a community; and businesses that are consistent with the community’s goals and priorities. Each link provides the slides presented during the county meetings including the poll results. 

County Industry Reports

Each of the County Industry Reports below include the data for each of the NAICS4 Industry sectors and their corresponding Desirability and Compatibility Scores

Video Recordings of County Meetings

Each of the links below are the recordings of each county meeting held to review the ASAP results. Each meeting consisted of a presentation portion, sector ranking by meeting participants, and a discussion section. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties the meeting recording for Sandoval county is unavailable, for notes on this meeting please contact our office. 


San Miguel

Santa Fe


For questions about the CEDS or the ASAP process, please contact Felicity Fonseca at (505)356-9098.


644 Don Gaspar

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Telephone: 505-395-2668

Toll Free: 1-866-699-4927

By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect public records of the NCNMEDD. Compliance with requests to inspect public records is an integral part of the routine duties of the officers and employees of the NCNMEDD.  The NM Inspection of Public Records Act is intended to provide the public with access to government records.


Please find the following information:

Public Notice Describing Procedures for Requesting Inspection

Public Records Request form

© North Central New Mexico Economic Development District

644 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, NM 87505

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