Training on Best Practices for Capital Outlay and Capital Planning
Join North Central New Mexico Economic Development District to learn about the Governor's priorities for capital outlay; how to develop your capital stack for large projects; reviewing, vetting, and scoring capital projects; and learn how governments collaborated on the Greater Glorieta Regional Well.
When: Wednesday November 13, 3pm-4:30pm
Where: Room 303, NM State Capitol, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
3:00 pm: Welcome from NCNMEDD and NM legislators
3:15 pm: Rebecca Roose, Office of the Governor. Governor's guidance and priorities for capital outlay
3:30 pm: Wesley Billingsley and Hallie Brown, DFA Infrastructure and Planning Division. Developing capital stack, best practices for capital planning, other resources available from State of NM and NCNMEDD
3:45 pm: Maxx Hendren, Santa Fe County. Overview of Santa Fe County capital planning process; timeline and working with public works, legislators, and the department heads to review, vet, and score projects. Case study of Greater Glorieta Regional Well where the county collaborated to bring in more funding, administer, and assist with the project.
4:15pm: Q and A
4:30pm: Adjourn
Questions? Please contact Felicity Fonseca,, 505-356-9098.