Small Business Technical Assistance
NCNMEDD was granted funds from the 2020 CARES Act to provide specialized technical assistance to businesses in our region. Project examples are setting up contactless payment, developing a website, creating a technology plan or assisting with permitting for outdoor dining or grower certifications. Participants in the Working Now loan program are given priority to the technical assistance program if they choose. If you have questions about the technical assistance program contact Eric Renz-Whitmore by phone at (505) 716-5580 or by email.
Small Business Loans, Training, and Technical Assistance
Training and Technical Assistance
Technical Resources
Guide to Getting Started
This presentation helps to address questions you will want to think about when taking your business online.
Technical Assistance Projects
Regional PPP Loan Recipients
A summary on PPP loan participation in the region including information on location, jobs retained, and demographics of participants.
Google Enabled Business
These resources give a great overview of broadband in NM. For more information or to better understand funding for broadband in your area, see the USDA's broadband website.
Online Technology Assistance Resources
See an interactive map of our region's Google enabled businesses. If your business doesn't appear, reach out to us to see how to get on the map!
To have your business or project featured as a NCNMEDD Technical Assistance Project, contact Eric Renz-Whitmore by phone at (505) 716-5580 or by email.
Many resources have become available during the COVID19 pandemic. The Community Learning Network and the Goodwill Community Foundation are providing free resources for technical education -- workshops on how to use Microsoft products, Google Suite, and much more.
Technical Assistance

As part of NCNMEDD's Business Recovery & Assistance efforts, we have a contract with Trish Abbin @ Fat Cat Enterprises.
Fat Cat Enterprises, LC was started by Trish Abbin in 2018. Trish has been in economic development for about 20 years as a multi-lingual Business Advisor, working mostly in the South Valley and Barelas areas of Albuquerque. Trish’s first career was as a chef where she learned she had a thing for numbers and a passion for the business side of things. She went on to get her MBA, as no one wanted to work with a chef, and began working with businesses to help them solve the problems they were having, whether simple or complex. Trish is a native New Mexican and has a passion for supporting NM business and our economy.
Trish Abbin - fatcatenterpriseslc@gmail.com, 505-280-6502
Basics of financials.
An easy guide to what balance sheets, cash flow and
income statements are and how they work together.
How to create financials.
We will look at how to make a basic financial statement.
Grants vs. loans and profit vs. non-profit.
An explanation of both and their differences for funding.
Legal and Taxation structures.
How these structures are related and how they are very different.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the NCNMEDD Small Business Basics series with Trish Abbin and Tessah Latson. Find valuable information from the series workshops below:
Para información sobre el programa de Básicos para Empresas Pequeñas en español, por favor visite aqui: